Little Rock Under Slab Leak Detection Repair Services
Under slab leaks can destroy your building. Other reasons to hire us for Little Rock under slab leak repair are that these leaks lead to molding, which can cause upper respiratory tract infections like asthma and they increase your water bills.
We use different methods of under slab leak repair in Little Rock AR since every under slab leak is unique and because buildings and piping are made of different materials. Below are the different methods we use to repair your under slab leaks following identification of the exact position and extent of the leak through our Little Rock slab leak detection services.
Sport Repair
If the slab leak detection services in Little Rock AR shows the problem is readily accessible and the rest of the plumbing is in a good condition, our plumbers will recommend spot repair as the most economical solution. During repairs, the plumbers in our slab leak repair company in Little Rock AR break through the floor slab and repair/patch the exact spot through such methods as gluing and soldering.
Rerouting and Re-piping
If after detection our plumbers in Little Rock slab leak repair company find that the piping is in poor condition or old, we recommend rerouting and/or re-piping. Rerouting involves abandoning the old piping route and using a new route while re-piping, as the name suggests, involves removing the old piping and using a different pipe on the same route taken by the old one. In rerouting Little Rock under slab leak repair, we usually route the piping outside the slab foundation and then back into the building.
Pipe Lining
Finally, if the results of the detection show that the problem is only a small “pinhole” leak and all indications are that there might be more such leaks in the future, we will advise you to do pipe lining as a permanent and cost-effective solution. During the under slab leak repair in Little Rock AR, we use a cure-in-place epoxy like the one used in high-quality PVC pipes to coat the inside of the piping.
You do not have to worry about which is the Little Rock under slab leak repair option. Our team of experienced plumbers will guide you.